Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dali Decals $25 GC Giveaway

Dali Decals is offering one of Baby Loving Mama's readers a $25 gift card to their site! To be honest, I wasn't too sure that I would be interested in the decals but then I looked at the site and there are so many different options, it's hard to choose just one!!!

After much deliberation and going back and forth, I decided that I want the "little girl with a dandelion" design. It is absolutely adorable and reminds me so much of when I was a little girl and would pluck a dandelion out of the grass, blow on the seeds, and watch them fly through the air. I guess it's my chance to reminisce and in the back of my mind, that little girl in the decal is me! Just because I have my own little boy now it doesn't mean that I can't go back to those innocent days of my own childhood!! Okay, a little bit too much reminiscing!!!!

Anyway, check out Dali Decals' website and look at all the great designs they offer and then head on over and enter the giveaway at Baby Loving Mama's blog!

1 comment:

  1. You are just posting all kinds of awesome giveaways!! I am sure Baby Loving Mama is loving you. Good luck on winning. I loved that you talked about your memories in this one:)
