Monday, September 28, 2009

Trying to Get Started on Reviews/Giveaways

So I've been entering in giveaways for almost two weeks now and following blogs to read their reviews on products. As a stay at home mom during the week, I woud love to start doing my own reviews on products and hosting giveaways for all the moms out there.

I have had a great time entering into the mommy blog world and it gives me a chance to see what's out there for Little E. I have really learned a lot from the many reviews I've read and can't believe all the awesome things that are out there!

So, as I venture out to see what's out there and get my blog really going, wish me luck.


  1. Good luck to you. I started my blog back in January and think I just started getting into doing reviews and giveaways in the past 3 months or so.
    Just keep up daily posts if U can. helps your blog ranking. Blog about other things just not about others giveaways but add original content too.

  2. Hey there ! If I can help you at all - just email. I would also suggest commenting on blogs too and leaving your site. Also I love this site:
    to make relationships about reviews.

    ps I'm trying to build subscribers - so join if you like me :)

  3. Well all that entering paid off! You just won one of my contests! Check your email!

    PS. Make sure you realize how TIME CONSUMING it all is. No one told me it would consume all my extra time (and then some) I spent at least 20-30 hours a week on my blog between posts, networking, and behind the scence emails!

  4. Good luck. I am trying to get into this too! Entering and commenting on other blogs may bring some readers to yours and twitter is a good way to promote contests.
