Sunday, September 20, 2009

PUR Flavor Options Pitcher Giveaway

PUR has agreed to give one of Night Owl Mama's readers a PUR Flavor Options Pitcher. This is a great offer. We drink a lot of water in our house but sometimes you just want a little bit of flavor. In turn, this often leads us turning to soda and all that sugar! The different flavors for the PUR pitcher are sugar free which means this is a much healthier option. And, think of how much money you can save by using the PUR Flavor Options Pitcher.....this can replace all those sodas and flavored bottles of water you buy.

Also, PUR has been certified to reduce twice the amount of contaminants than Brita so that means it is that much more beneficial to you & your family's health.

Head on over to Night Owl Mama's review and enter to win your own PUR Flavor Options Pitcher. While you're there, take a look at PUR's website and see what they have to offer!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking time to blog about this gieaway WInner will be announced soon Checking entries :)
